The Chibi Project

Kuroneko vs. Hurricane Dennis

Subject: Kuroneko
Series: Trigun
Test Date: July 10, 2005


  • Kuroneko plastic figure
  • duct tape
  • tree
  • The 5th @*$^&# hurricane to hit in the last 9 months


Testing Procedure

Meow. Preparations:

After hurricanes began ramming up one of The Chibi Project's team members on a regular basis in 2004, The Chibi Project staff began to discuss subjecting Chibi Moon to a Hurricane Test. Unfortunately, the short notice on which most hurricanes arrive made it difficult to mail the Chibi Moon figure in time. Ultimately, we decided to improvise with another figure.

There's a cat stuck in a tree! Phase One:

Six hours before Hurricane Dennis was expected to make landfall, we found a Kuroneko figurine. Kuroneko, the annoying "Where's Waldo" character from Trigun, seemed like a perfect test subject. Let's face it -- who hasn't wanted to punt a cat at some point in their lives? So, armed with duct tape, we went outside and strapped the bastard to a tree branch.

View from the inside A few hours later, Hurricane Dennis began pummeling the yard with 110 MPH winds and driving rain. Branches, fence parts, and small rodents were also airborne during this time. No photos could be taken due to the dangers involved in leaving the house.

Missing: One cat Test Complete:

By nightfall, the hurricane had died down to the level of a "normal" rainstorm. We ventured outside to discover that while some duct tape had survived, Kuroneko was long gone.

Searches of the neighborhood -- conducted with the help of the children living nearby -- yielded no sign of the cat.

Damage Assessment:

Unknown. Kuroneko is either in Oz or in orbit. Take your pick.


Keep your pets indoors during hurricanes.

Additional Information

Kuroneko can be seen in episode 13 of The Chibi Project Podcast.

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